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  Your mystery will be hosted by Detective Chief Inspector Kemper, a master sleuth with jolly good, dry, acerbic British wit.  Detective Kemper is played by Dwight Kemper, an accomplished character actor with 13 years stage experience including an engagement at Carnegie Hall in New York City in Anna Pavlova, six years on stage as Herr Drosselmeyer in The Nutcracker, Doctor Copellius in Copellia, and Catallebutte in Sleeping Beauty.  As Producer for The Repertory 2 Theater Company, Mr. Kemper presents original plays including An Evening With Poe and A Christmas Carol. When he isn't performing, producing or designing web sites (like this one) Dwight Kemper acts as guest film critic for VIDEOSCOPE MAGAZINE where he applies his "critical chain saw" to really bad movies.

Detective Kemper
The Murder of King Tut Detective Kemper The Ghostly Mystery
Master Sleuth

Dwight Kemper presents the finest in mystery dinner theater and weekend entertainment.

Master Showman

Mr. Kemper has performed for, and can tailor shows to meet the needs of, audiences of all ages.
Master Magician

Mr. Kemper is a member of the International Brotherhood of Magicians.

  "(We) enthusiastically endorse Mr. Dwight Kemper.  His act appealed to all age ranges and was a considerable draw...  I encourage you to work with Mr. Kemper if you have the chance."

--Naima Kradjian
Event Co-Chairperson,
First Night Binghamton